Modular Level Design

I was really glad with how this turned out and wish I could add some more. I wanted to add in monster forms and spirits as well or hint at the horror that is within this level. However I used what I could to hint towards what the level entails and why the character is with what I could create in the time period. I do want to extend this and further work into a more fleshed out idea. 

Level Planning

Medieval Pack

  • Where is this?
    • In royal family tomb catacombs underneath the castle.
    • During the night
    • Main level catacombs
  • Who is the player?
    • Peasant class
    • Thief trying to save family
  • Why is the player there?
    • The country is in disarray during a war and the people are starving, and barely surviving on what little is left. However, the royal family seems to be thriving through it and doesn’t seem to be at all concerned that the people are suffering horribly. 
    • The player comes from a starving family that is looking to escape to the neighboring kingdom but doesn’t have the money to up and leave. The player overhears the locals talking about a large reservoir of gold and gems that is hidden underneath the castle, and decides to sneak in and steal what they can in order to save their family.
    • However, they do not know where the gold is and the real darkness of the royal family
  • The start and end of the level
    • Start is where the player enters the catacombs through a hidden path in the castle 
    • The end of the level is where the player will go into the room that is holding the monster that the family has been hiding 
  • Obstacles?
    • The player will run into guards throughout the catacombs and spirits of the dead that are stuck there.
    • There will be twists and turns and unknown rooms that the player will have to get a key in order to get into
    • At the end the big obstacle is escaping the monster that is being hidden below the castle and making back to above safely 

Get Indoor Level

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