drives implemented into level

The drives that I was trying to implement into this level were exploration, fight or flight, and familial love. I began with the exploration by revamping the entire level into something a bit more enjoyable for the player to explore from different levels through stairs and interesting rooms that had their own purpose told through the environment around the player. Fight or flight was to be implemented through the environment as well by adding in hints that a monster is there, or there had been something bad that happened through blood and a cage room. I wanted to add in a monster model but could not find one to implement into this level as I wanted the creature to chase the main character. Then familial love to be added in through a note system that would tell what was happening in this underground area and how it pertained to the character as well as a thought system where there would text that would pop up to tell what the main character was thinking. However, I could not get those codes to work but still wanted to hint at it in some way through leaving the notes that would contrast to the rest of the level and pop out to the player. 

I could not get my computer to run a video as it would lag like nothing else so here are some pictures to show off the level into i can find out why. 

Get Indoor Level

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