The timeless way of building addins

the information given in this video gave me some ideas to add in to the story that I was trying to tell in my game. for first I added in data entries that can be found throughout the level to explain what is going on and what happened that the player can not see at first. This was to tell the external story of the world. But to tell the story of the player I wanted to be able to give insight to the character that they were playing as so I added in a thought system where when the player enters a certain room a line of dialogue will be shown that is what the character is thinking as they are taking in what either they are saying or what they had just read. I also wanted to give a more puzzle like look to my level so I went ahead and a bit more of twist to some of the hallways that were more of a straight forward show. I chose to do this because I wanted to make my level feel more whole and also give a sense of deep interlock while also adding in levels of scale through this and the notes that can be found to try and tell a story. I wanted to add in a monster to really tie it all in however, I could not get it work where they would chase the player. 

Get Indoor Level

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